* Stainless steel (Housing and countertop), steel   powder coating (optional)
* Dimensions: W2600 X D750 X H2300 (Custom-made   possible)

Classe Mobile Café has good security attributes, and is usable in the area where water supply and drain is difficult. An ice maker is installed, and this product shows prime performance for iced coffee sales in the summer. About 600 cups of drinks and desert foods can be made a day, and this product demonstrates good performance even in compact space.

Configuration Devices
1) One unit of water purifier (3-step water purification)    (basic).
2) Water supply pump (basic).
3) Circulation pump 1EA (for ice maker) (basic).
4) One unit of electricity facility (indoor outlet and    lighting) (basic).
5) Front top part sign board side

1) Coffee roaster
2) Espresso machine
   ① CLASSE 8 DE 2GR (Made in ITALY)
   ② EXPOBAR DE 1GR (Made in SPAIN)
3) BREW MACHINE 1EA (The Netherlands)
4) Ice cube shaker 1EA (Made in Korea) (Optional)
5) Blender 1EA (Korean-made digital, and additional    bowl, optional)
6) Rear side cover (Optional)
7) Ice maker 1EA BREMA 55kg/day (Made in ITALY)
8) Refrigerator 110L (Made in Korea)

1) Protection of the product is simple, after closing daily    business.
2) Water supply and drain is perfectly processed,    irrelevant of place.
3) When using an ice maker, ice use is maximized    without waste water with reuse of overflow water.
4) Convenience of immediate use upon plug in.
5) Oxidation prevention and sustained cleanness with    stainless steel material.
6) Good tidiness and convenience with wide shelves    and drawers.
7) Clean with one body of sink and Knock Box.
8) Easy transport and installation.
   ① Upper and lower parts are detachable for      movement, and sink can be dismounted, which      makes is it easier to have an access to narrow      space.
   ② Foot wheels, whose height can be adjustable,      and which can be fixed, are installed on the      wheels.
9) Easy installation of a computer or a till.
10) Additional expansion of wings and countertop,
11) Roof cover installation is easy to cope with rain or     open-air operation.
12) Provide 600 cups of drinks and desert foods daily in     small space.
13) Automatic operation of ice making and the     refrigerator at night possible.